Lifelong Learning

innovative technology + self-sustainability

Category: MS Teams


If you have just started using MS Teams, you’ll see that you can easily create a “Team” for your online class.

Whether you are working freelance (with just a handful of different groups) or as part of a larger institution setting up multiple Teams for large groups of students, it’s worth thinking about the names you are going to use for these teams. Devising and agreeing on a system at the start, can add cohesion to shared courses and help with keeping things organized.


Labelling your team

At our university we have course programs codes for each degree course e.g. CP for Lingue, Letters Culture Comparate.  So a second year group might be 2nd year CP or CP II. We also break groups up into separate surnames e.g. surnames A to D are in one group, E to M in another and so on.

Given that menu bars often abbreviate names and add ellipses, stick with short names and put key information eg. 1 or 2 at the front 2nd CP (A-D) rather than English Year II CP for group A to D.

You can also choose an icon (called class avatar) which will show on your All teams dashboard.

Label your team

What labelling have you found works best?

What advice would you give other members of staff?

What avatars have you used?



Multiple Browsers

As I embark on my new teaching adventure on MS Teams, I’ve decided to share my discoveries on my blog here.

When my university provided me with access to MS Office suite through my university institutional account, I realized that I would either need to log out of my other MS Office accounts used for auditing with two other bodies or have a separate browser for this new university access.

While logging in and out via ONE app is feasible, it can be cumbersome.

As a Mac user, I found Safari doesn’t always run so smoothly with Microsoft tools so I’ve now installed Firefox.

Browser icons

Which browser do you find works best?

How many browsers do you have open at the same time?

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