Lifelong Learning

innovative technology + self-sustainability

Month: April 2010

It’s Worth Taking a Look at this Blog

I’ve read so many negative and bitter blogs posts this weekend that I wonder what is happening to some educators. Do people really have this much time to rant, whinge and criticise? There’s so much good going on, there are so many wonderful ideas to share and reflect on that I have little time for those who chose the negativity and finger pointing route.  In fact, I ‘ve decided that from now on PLN should stand for POSITIVE LEARNING NETWORK, attitude is so important.

It is therefore with great pleasure that I am able to end the weekend on a high note with a post on “It’s worth keeping an eye on this blog” and share and celebrate with those of you in my PLN that wish to extend their reading and thought-flows.

I was tagged by Arjana Blazic who I haven’t met in person yet but has done some marvellous Wiki and Glogster projects and shares her “traveling, international student and teacher exchanges, field trips and educational projects on her blog

This tagging or nomination is part of an initiative called “Vale a pena ficar de olho nesse blog”, which means “It’s worth keeping an eye on this blog”. I like the “Vale” as that is my nick! Vale24 and vale360!

So how does this work? The chosen blog has to copy the picture above, with a link to the blog from which it has received the award  e.g. in my case it was thanks to Arjana

Then write ten more links to the blogs which you think are well worth keeping an eye on. I’d say that means not just visiting occasionally but actually subscribing to and following!  And the chain goes on, as each tagged bloggger can copy the image above and link to 10 blogs they read and enjoy, blogs they feel others in their PLN will benefit from knowing about and reading.

Here are my ten:

  1. Burcu Akyol
  2. Nik Peachey
  3. Lindsay Clanfield
  4. Robert Martinez
  5. Karenne Sylvester
  6. Dragos Roua
  7. Gavin Dudeney
  8. Ken Wilson
  9. Shelly Terrell
  10. Anne Fox

PS You  can find more fabulous blogs on Eva’s blog or on the blog rolls of the blogs listed here. You see? There’s so much out there to raise our glass to.

Twitter and conferences

Well I think others have been able to capture the twitter tweet up and meet up phenomenon so I won’t repeat.

Check @kenwilson ‘s blog  IATEFL Harrogate to get an idea of the power of twitter . I wouldn’t know where to start … it was all quite overwhelming!

Let me share this slowly., where to start? Well from the beginning, I guess. The special pre-conference meet up with Marisa_C who texted and DMed to say she’d already arrived. Although, we ended in the “wrong” part of Hales it was an incredible “connect” moment which set the pace of things to come. Next, was Petra @TEFLpet and her buoyant smiles during the long queue on Day 1 – her twitter profile suddenly becoming larger than life!   Every corner I turned from then on included smiles and hugs from someone I’ve been lucky enough to interact with online via twitter, Facebook or a blog comment. Late Friday evening when I thought I’d met every twitter follower I would ever meet, I was introduced to @esolcourse, suddenly all Sue’s tweets flowed before me once again, all the pieces of the puzzle came together . So many members of my PLN – educators I had until then exchanged 140 characters with, educators who I already knew and admired but hadn’t quite “humanised” entirely, came to life adding more impact to those daily tweets and comments.

Petra and Sue

Petra and Sue

It was super to get to know them more intimately over exchanges, drinks and real smiles.

I missed tons at IATEFL, some is online for us to catch up with and spread.Either via IATEFL Online
Harrogate Online

Thanks to Ken Wilson’s post I can now watch the presentation I was unable to get a seat at and learn more about how others are using twitter with learners.

The connections strengthen, the dialogue remains substantial and increasingly energizes us! Thanks everyone.

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