Well the big even in April was the IATELF conference in Aberdeen.

IATEFL Aberdeen

Sheila Vine and I presented “Blended Books- taking the companion website one click further”

Conference blurb: We offer web-based activities blending seamlessly with course-books, and developing the website companion concept that leading publishing houses have
launched in recent years. This presentation will introduce you to webquests
for Business English courses and offer practical, international, and modernizing elements that can be easily combined with any EFL course book.

All companion websites (CWS) referred
to in this speech can be found at our social bookmarking space
: http://del.icio.us/vale24/CWS

Power point presentation available

And of course to catch up on all the other action check out: http://www.iatefl.org/content/conferences/2007/index.php

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